Yoonji Kim is an Assistant Professor in the College of Art & Technology at Chung-Ang University.
Her research in human-computer interaction focuses on designing interactions and systems for novel user experiences using emerging technologies. Recently, she has been creating systems that assist users in prototyping interactive media (software/hardware) by employing various modalities, including XR and Conversational Interface.
She earned her Ph.D. (Industrial Design) and M.S. (Culture Technology) from KAIST and B.S. from Ewha Womans University (Computer Science).
She was a postdoctoral associate under the supervision of Prof. Stefanie Mueller at MIT CSAIL and worked as a software engineer/researcher for ten years in various companies (Samsung Electronics, Motorola, and LG Electronics).
Inline Visualization and Manipulation of Real-Time Hardware Log for Supporting Debugging of Embedded Programs
(EICS PACM 2024) 🏅 Honorable Mention Award
(EICS PACM 2024) 🏅 Honorable Mention Award
Andrea Bianchi, Zhi Lin Yap, Punn Lertjaturaphat, Austin Z. Henley, Kongpyung (Justin) Moon, and Yoonji Kim
EICS '24: The 16th ACM SIGCHI Symposium on Engineering Interactive Computing Systems (EICS PACM 2024)
SensorViz: Visualizing Sensor Data Across Different Stages of Prototyping Interactive Objects
(DIS 2022)
(DIS 2022)
Yoonji Kim, Junyi Zhu, Mihir Trivedi, Dishita G Turakhia, Ngai Hang Wu, Donghyeon Ko, Michael Wessely, and Stefanie Mueller
DIS '22: Proceedings of the 2022 ACM Designing Interactive Systems Conference
Adapt2Learn: A Toolkit for Configuring the Learning Algorithm for Adaptive Physical Tools for Motor-Skill Learning
(DIS 2021)
(DIS 2021)
Dishita Turakhia, Andrew Wong, Yini Qi, Lotta-Gili Blumberg, Yoonji Kim, and Stefanie Mueller.
DIS '21: Proceedings of the 2021 ACM Designing Interactive Systems Conference
VirtualWire: Supporting Rapid Prototyping with Instant Reconfigurations of Wires in Breadboarded Circuits
(TEI 2021) 🏆 Best paper award
(TEI 2021) 🏆 Best paper award
Woojin Lee, Ramkrishna Prasad, Seungwoo Je, Yoonji Kim, Ian Oakley, Daniel Ashbrook, and Andrea Bianchi.
TEI '21: Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction
SchemaBoard: Supporting Correct Assembly of Schematic Circuits using Dynamic In-Situ Visualization
(UIST 2020)
(UIST 2020)
Yoonji Kim, Hyein Lee, Ramkrishna Prasad, Seungwoo Je, Youngkyung Choi,Daniel Ashbrook, Ian Oakley, Andrea Bianchi
UIST '20: Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology
HeyTeddy: Conversational Test-Driven Development for Physical Computing
(IMWUT 2019/Ubicomp 2020)
(IMWUT 2019/Ubicomp 2020)
Yoonji Kim, Youngkyung Choi, Daye Kang, Minkyeong Lee, Tek-Jin Nam, Andrea Bianchi
Proc. ACM Interact. Mob. Wearable Ubiquitous Technol.3, 4, Article 139, 21 pages.
VirtualComponent: A Mixed-Reality Tool for Designing and Tuning Breadboarded Circuits
(CHI 2019)
(CHI 2019)
Yoonji Kim, Youngkyung Choi, Hyein Lee, Geehyuk Lee, Andrea Bianchi.
CHI '19: Proceedings of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
Demos, Workshops and Magazine Articles
How was it made (Wind-blaster)
Seungwoo Je, Hyelip Lee, Myung-Jin Kim, Minkyeong Lee, Yoonji Kim, Youngkyung Choi, Andrea Bianchi.
Interactions 26, 1 (January 2019), 14-15.
Other Projects
Mystic Message
Yoonji Kim*, Hankyung Kim*, Minkyeong Lee*, Woohun Lee (2018)
Media Interaction Design Project
*These researchers contributed equally to this work.
Yoonji Kim*, Joon Hyub Lee*, Sang-Gyun An*, Bogyeong Kim*, Sangmin Bae (2017)
Design Project
*These researchers contributed equally to this work.
Academic Service
Publication Chair
ACM TEI 2022 Papers AC
ACM DIS 2021 Paper and Pictorials AC
ACM CHI 2024
ACM CHI 2023
ACM CHI 2021
ACM DIS 2020
ACM CHI 2020
ACM SIGGRAPH Asia E-tech 2019