Yoonji Kim is an Assistant Professor in the College of Art & Technology at Chung-Ang University.

Her research in human-computer interaction focuses on designing interactions and systems for novel user experiences using emerging technologies. Recently, she has been creating systems that assist users in prototyping interactive media (software/hardware) by employing various modalities, including XR and Conversational Interface.

She earned her Ph.D. (Industrial Design) and M.S. (Culture Technology) from KAIST and B.S. from Ewha Womans University (Computer Science).

She was a postdoctoral associate under the supervision of Prof. Stefanie Mueller at MIT CSAIL and worked as a software engineer/researcher for ten years in various companies (Samsung Electronics, Motorola, and LG Electronics).


CollageVis: Rapid Previsualization Tool for Indie Filmmaking using Video Collages

Hye-Young Jo, Ryo Suzuki, and Yoonji Kim

CHI '24: Proceedings of the 2024 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems

Inline Visualization and Manipulation of Real-Time Hardware Log for Supporting Debugging of Embedded Programs
(EICS PACM 2024) 🏅 Honorable Mention Award

Andrea Bianchi, Zhi Lin Yap, Punn Lertjaturaphat, Austin Z. Henley, Kongpyung (Justin) Moon, and Yoonji Kim

EICS '24: The 16th ACM SIGCHI Symposium on Engineering Interactive Computing Systems (EICS PACM 2024)

FlexBoard: A Flexible Breadboard for Interaction Prototyping on Curved and Deformable Surfaces
(CHI 2023)

Donghyeon Ko, Yoonji Kim, Junyi Zhu, Michael Wessely, and Stefanie Mueller

CHI '23: Proceedings of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems

SensorViz: Visualizing Sensor Data Across Different Stages of Prototyping Interactive Objects
(DIS 2022)

Yoonji Kim, Junyi Zhu, Mihir Trivedi, Dishita G Turakhia, Ngai Hang Wu, Donghyeon Ko, Michael Wessely, and Stefanie Mueller

DIS '22: Proceedings of the 2022 ACM Designing Interactive Systems Conference

Adapt2Learn: A Toolkit for Configuring the Learning Algorithm for Adaptive Physical Tools for Motor-Skill Learning
(DIS 2021)

Dishita Turakhia, Andrew Wong, Yini Qi, Lotta-Gili Blumberg, Yoonji Kim, and Stefanie Mueller.

DIS '21: Proceedings of the 2021 ACM Designing Interactive Systems Conference

VirtualWire: Supporting Rapid Prototyping with Instant Reconfigurations of Wires in Breadboarded Circuits
(TEI 2021) 🏆 Best paper award

Woojin Lee, Ramkrishna Prasad, Seungwoo Je, Yoonji Kim, Ian Oakley, Daniel Ashbrook, and Andrea Bianchi.

TEI '21: Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction

SchemaBoard: Supporting Correct Assembly of Schematic Circuits using Dynamic In-Situ Visualization
(UIST 2020)

Yoonji Kim, Hyein Lee, Ramkrishna Prasad, Seungwoo Je, Youngkyung Choi,Daniel Ashbrook, Ian Oakley, Andrea Bianchi

UIST '20: Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology

HeyTeddy: Conversational Test-Driven Development for Physical Computing
(IMWUT 2019/Ubicomp 2020) 

Yoonji Kim, Youngkyung Choi, Daye Kang, Minkyeong Lee, Tek-Jin Nam, Andrea Bianchi

Proc. ACM Interact. Mob. Wearable Ubiquitous Technol.3, 4, Article 139, 21 pages.

VirtualComponent: A Mixed-Reality Tool for Designing and Tuning Breadboarded Circuits
(CHI 2019)

Yoonji Kim, Youngkyung Choi, Hyein Lee, Geehyuk Lee, Andrea Bianchi.

CHI '19: Proceedings of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems

PokeRing: Notifications by Poking Around the Finger
(CHI 2018)

Seungwoo Je, Minkyeong Lee, Yoonji Kim, Liwei Chan, Xing-Dong Yang, and Andrea Bianchi.

CHI '18: Proceedings of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems

Demos, Workshops and Magazine Articles

​MAScreen: Augmenting Speech with Visual Cues of Lip Motions, Facial Expressions and Text Using a Wearable Display
(SIGGRAPH ASIA 2020 Emerging Technologies)

Hyein Lee, Yoonji Kim, Andrea Bianchi.

SIGGRAPH ASIA 2020 Emerging Technologies

How was it made (Wind-blaster)

Seungwoo Je, Hyelip Lee, Myung-Jin Kim, Minkyeong Lee, Yoonji Kim, Youngkyung Choi, Andrea Bianchi.

Interactions 26, 1 (January 2019), 14-15.

Other Projects

Mystic Message

Yoonji Kim*, Hankyung Kim*, Minkyeong Lee*, Woohun Lee (2018)

Media Interaction Design Project

*These researchers contributed equally to this work.


Yoonji Kim*, Joon Hyub Lee*, Sang-Gyun An*, Bogyeong Kim*, Sangmin Bae (2017)

Design Project

*These researchers contributed equally to this work.

Academic Service

Publication Chair
